After 13 consecutive years, HMPOA Board President Mike Foote passed the gavel as President over to now President, Brian Hoffman. The HMPOA community is grateful for the many years of his steady leadership. With the help of his talented fellow board members, Mike has endured and solved many significant issues and brought about valuable additions to to our community. The following is a sample of some major accomplishments under Mike’s generous leadership:
- Extending HMPOA ownership beyond just the runway. Previously, that land was encumbered and thus could not be transferred. Now the HMPOA has title to all the unencumbered properties, which includes everything around the entrance, flag hill, all roads and taxiways in Phases 1,2 and 3, the apron, and the piece of ground for the windsock;
- In 2016, Mike Foote worked tirelessly in to prepare for the developer’s land auction and two foreclosures. He protected the HMPOA property owners interests by attending the auction and voicing that these Lots were subject to HMPOA yearly assessment; and he made clear that each Lot was subject to dues, regardless of how many a buyer purchased and that the HMPOA By-Laws and C&R applied to all Lots;
- Liaison with our HMPOA attorney on several legal matters including court appearances as a witness against delinquent property Lot owners;
- Building of Fire Sub-Station #3 (Burnt Ridge) and construction of the HMPOA community room building;
- Installation of the airport beacon on the water tower;
- Major overhaul of the entrance gate;
- Installation of the SayWeather System;
- Airpark runway and taxiways pavement management;
- Coordinating Petit Jean fiber optic internet installation..
- Security cameras at the front and construction gates;
- Addition of three large postal boxes at the mail center;
Mike continues to be the Airport Manager for the Holley Mountain Airpark (2A2);
Thank you, Mike Foote !! and …Thank you, Diana Foote, for graciously hosting just about every monthly HMPOA Board of Director Meetings at your home, prior to use of the community room!!